Rose Place Historic District

Kalamazoo Michigan


by Ĝan Ŭesli Starling
copyright 2003

A Major Face Lift

Rose Place is an historic court in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Most of the homes are a century old, some much older. Being a registered Historic District, owners are constrained by law in how we may alter our exteriors. In a word, any work which we do must make it more, not less, original.

It is a good thing. When the long-ago chopped up home at 223 caught fire, it required extensive work. The out-of-town landlords were not allowed to put back the tacky exterior stairwell into the upstairs appartment. All they could do was make it back into a single-family house, which they did. Even the parking pad in front (for the former upstairs appartment) got broken up and replace by grass. That alone was worth the hastles we owner-occupiers put up with. Our street cannot degredate into a slum.

  1. Work in Progress

    During the two months of work, all residents had to park their cars a block away.

    All torn up

  2. Celebratioin Party

    After all was done we had a ribbon cutting ceremony Even the Mayor was there.

    Mayor speaks

    Skajler & Karen

    Julie speaks


    From end

    Party crowd

    Musicians played

    From east entrance

    Face painting

    BJ Shell