Calibration Record


Release date = 2005-01-10 =head1 SYNOPSIS



Presents on-screen a Perl/Tk input form for recording the steps of an A2LA calibration. Outputs a pure-ASCII TAB- and SPACE-delimited document when done.


Configuation Options

Configureable in the expected ways: any number of cal points; any interval of units, option for ratiometric comparison (when FS is different units). Employ the 'Config' pull-down menu to alter the number of runs, data points per run, etc.


Defaults to four runs of 10 points at 10% intervals. Page format is 50 lines of 70 columns. These are user-editable near head of script.

Suggested Usage

Employ runs 1 and 2 for 'As Found', runs 3 and 4 for 'As Adjusted'. Note that although the format presents N rows of entry boxes for N calibration points, these are suggestions only. Likewise the nominal values. There is no absolute requirement to employ all rows...especially for 'As Found' readings. Any entry boxes left blank will be ignored as if non-existant.


Note that the option for ratiometric comparison only appears when full scales are not equal between the UUT and Standard. Default is 1:1. But at times you may wish to compare, for a load cell say, Newtons vs mV/V. You could then have for the UUT an FS of 25KN and for the Standard an FS of 2.00 mV/V. Be sure of setting the radio button correctly, 1:1 or FS:FS, as desired.


Refer to the 'use' statements at head of script for required Perl modules.


Gan Uesli Starling <>


Copyright (c) 2005, Gan Uesli Starling. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.