Gan Uesli Starling
224 Rose Place
Kalamazoo MI, 49001-2617

tel. hm. 616-385-4285
tel. wk. 616-665-6160
fax wk. 616-665-4248

Posted Friday, May 25th 2000

To all local roofing contractors: please bid on my roof. Here are photos and statistics. You may visit the exterior at time. I will meet you at any time after 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and at any time on weekends. I am on vacation and will be away from June 10 through June 16. (You may still visit the house then, but I won't be there.)

Here are the pics:

Click to view...

Here are the stats: taken as average of three prior estimates

Here are the conditions:

Notes & Comments: