Start in ready position.
3. Slide right foot to left foot, step forward into left front stance, low X-Block with fists from right shoulder, right hand on top.
4. Step forward into right front stance, augmented middle block (middle block with right hand, solar plexus guard with left hand so that the left fist rests against the right elbow "augmenting" the block ).
5. Side kick with left foot to left side, hands in side kick guard position.
6. Set foot down into left front stance (still facing the side), elbow strike with right elbow into left palm.
7. Step back onto center bar into left front stance, augmented middle block (middle block with left hand, guard with right hand).
8. Side kick with right foot to right side, hands in side kick guard position.
9. Set foot down into right front stance (still facing the side), elbow strike with left elbow into right palm.
10. Without stepping, knife hand high block with right hand in front of body, knife hand low block with left hand to left side of body (looking up the center bar).
11. Pivot into left front stance facing up the center bar, knife hand high block with left hand, inward knife hand strike with right hand.
12. High front kick with right foot.
13. Without setting the kicking foot down, jump forward into twisted stance (right foot flat and pointing forward, ball of left foot resting on the ground to the right of the right foot), back fist strike with right hand. Gi-yup!
14. Turn 225° to the left, drawing hands to chest in X-Block. Under tension, slide left foot out into left front stance, double "spreading" middle block with hands.
15. High front kick with right foot, withdrawing right hand to hip.
16. Set kicking foot down into right front stance, middle punch with right hand.
17. Without stepping, middle punch with left hand.
18. Turn 90° to the right, drawing hands to chest in X-Block. Under tension, slide right foot out into right front stance, double "spreading" middle block with hands.
19. High front kick with left foot, withdrawing left hand to hip.
20. Set kicking foot down into left front stance, middle punch with left hand.
21. Without stepping, middle punch with right hand.
22. Turn 45° to the left into right back stance, augmented block to left side (middle block with left hand, guard with right hand).
23. Step forward into left back stance, augmented block to right side.
24. Step forward into right back stance, augmented block to left side.
25. Slide left foot forward into left front stance, reach up with both hands to "grab" at neck level. Bring hand down as the right knee comes up. Gi-yup!
Return to ready position.