Start in ready position.
1. Slide left foot to right foot, bring fists into check position on left hip. Step out to left side with left foot into right back stance, side middle block with left hand, high block with right hand.
2. Without stepping, draw back right hand and upper cut, pulling left hand toward body in a guard.
3. Draw left hand back to left hip, slide left foot out into side stance and side punch with left hand.
4. Turn 180° to the right sliding left foot to right and stepping out into left back stance, side middle block with right hand, high block with left hand.
5. Without stepping, draw back left hand and upper cut, pulling left hand toward body in a guard.
6. Draw right hand back to right hip, slide right foot out into side stance and side punch with right hand.
16. Turn 45° to the left, pivoting into left front stance, twist and duck body while executing a "scooping" middle block with right hand.
17. Staying level, front kick with right foot.
18. As the right foot sets down into right front stance, middle punch with left hand.
19. Without stepping, twist and duck body while executing a "scooping" middle block with left hand.
20. Staying level, front kick with left foot.
21. As the left foot sets down into left front stance, middle punch with right hand.
22. Straighten up while bringing right foot up next to left foot, windmill block (middle block with right hand, low block with left hand).
23. Step forward into right front stance, middle block with right hand, middle punch with left hand. Gi-yup!
Return to ready position.